on killing a tree_QA

On Killing A Tree | Question Answer

ইংরাজিদ্বাদশ শ্রেণি – On Killing A Tree

গত পর্বে আমরা On Killing A Tree Summary নিয়ে আলোচনা করেছি, এই পর্বে আমরা কিছু ভীষণ গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্ন উত্তর আলোচনা করে নেবো।

Question – Justify the Title ‘On Killing A Tree’.

Answer- Killing trees mercilessly is actually a big threat to the development and this catastrophic attitude of human being which is posing a great threat to our planet ; moreover through this act people is paving the way for the funeral of earth —this is the idea that the poet Gieve Patel discusses in his titular poem “On Killing a tree”. On killing a Tree poem is an ultimatum from the poet to the readers where they are insisted not to harm the nature as it accelerates the threats of deforestation. Deforestation contributes majorly to the global warming.
As we go through the poem the poet describes the murderous rage with which a tree is cut.

As a part of natural resources the life cycle of tree is shown as it sprouts from the seed through germination and slowly it matures into an adult tree feeding on water, sunlight and getting strongly nourished by the roots residing deep inside the soil which is also the source of their food. The poem, overall, speaks to the fact that it is harder to kill and uproot a tree than “a simple jab of the knife.” In the end, slaughtering a tree is very difficult. One must pull the tree out by the roots, expose “the strength of the tree,” and allow the sun and the air to choke the life out of it. But nature has great regenerative power as human beings attain personal prejudices for their hunger.

দ্বাদশ শ্রেনি থেকে → বাংলা | ইংরাজি

But due to the cruelty and avarice of human the trees will not be allowed for reviving into new life .They make a deep cavity in the earth and hounds up the roots, the source of life and soul of the tree which are treasured inside Mother Earth for years.
The poet draws a graphic picture of the annihilation of tree with a dollop of poetic sense in an unhurried way that depicts the pain of a tree as well as part of willful blindness of human race towards this brutality. The poet painstakingly agitates for the sake of environment and through his writing he has sparked the environmental awareness in people’s mind.
The title On Killing a Tree actually reflects poet’s indomitable passion for the justice of Green Planet realizing the cruelty in a larger scale.

Question – Describe the process of killing a tree.

Answer- The poem, overall, speaks to the fact that it is harder to kill and uproot a tree than “a simple jab of the knife.” In the end, slaughtering a tree is very difficult. One must pull the tree out by the roots, expose “the strength of the tree,” and allow the sun and the air to choke the life out of it. But nature has great regenerative power as human beings attain personal prejudices for their hunger. Soon the bleeding bark will heal, new leaves will appear from below and small boughs will revive into big branches:

The bleeding bark will heal
And from close to the ground
Will rise curled green twigs,

But due to the cruelty and avarice of human the trees will not be allowed for reviving into new life .They make a deep cavity in the earth and hounds up the roots, the source of life and soul of the tree which are treasured inside Mother Earth for years.
The poet’s visionary understanding of the pangs of the nature concludes when the tree is successfully assassinated; after much browning, hardening, twisting finally, the tree is converted to dead timber exposing the white and wet part which has been earthed for several years under the soil.

Question – What images of life and death do we find in the poem “On Killing a Tree”?

Answer- On killing a Tree poem is an ultimatum from the poet to the readers where they are insisted not to harm the nature as it accelerates the threats of deforestation. Deforestation contributes majorly to the global warming.
As we go through the poem the poet describes the murderous rage with which a tree is cut.
As a part of natural resources the life cycle of tree is shown as it sprouts from the seed through germination and slowly it matures into an adult tree feeding on water, sunlight and getting strongly nourished by the roots residing deep inside the soil which is also the source of their food. The poet juxtaposes the image of life and death through step by step assassination of the tree. The cruelty and avarice of human leads to debauchery act of killing the tree by uprooting them to quench their commercial purpose. They further torment the tree by scorching and choking it in sun and air. Beside that the tree is also subjected to various methods such as browning and hardening. With this, the total killing of the tree is complete. Man is ensured that the tree has no second life. “And then it is done” says the speaker triumphantly.

পর্ব সমাপ্ত।

এই লেখাটির সর্বস্বত্ব সংরক্ষিত। বিনা অনুমতিতে এই লেখা, অডিও, ভিডিও বা অন্য ভাবে কোন মাধ্যমে প্রকাশ করলে তার বিরুদ্ধে আইনানুগ ব্যবস্থা নেওয়া হবে।

এই লেখাটি থেকে উপকৃত হলে সবার সাথে শেয়ার করার অনুরোধ রইল।

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