
The Eyes Have It | Question-Answer

ইংরাজিদ্বাদশ শ্রেণি – The Eyes have it

গত পর্বে আমরা The Eyes Have It Summary নিয়ে আলোচনা করেছি, এই পর্বে আমরা গল্পটির কিছু ভীষণ গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্ন উত্তর আলোচনা করে নেবো।

Q1 – How do you find the character of the narrator of the prose The Eyes Have it?

Answer: The story’s protagonist has a romantic and contemplative soul who is visionless and tries to trick his female companion by giving vivid description of the beautiful flora and fauna of the outside world through the train making her belief that she is viewing the world through his eyesight. Though he is visually impaired but he chose to enjoy the colours of life utilizing his four senses.

He had never considered himself ‘different’ from normal people with five functional sense of organs as he had believed his fifth sense will be his power of imagination.

The narrator was a young charming man who was travelling alone in the compartment till Rohana, later he was joined by a young pretty woman who boards the train for Saharanpur. As the train chugs out of the station, he decided to have a conversation with the girl by enquiring about his whereabouts which resulted that her destination is Saharanpur where she is visiting her aunt. The further conversation broke the ice between them and they form a good bond.

The narrator readily impressed the girl by giving vivid description of the October beauty of Mussoorie relying upon his imagination and memory. Beside that his expression of beauty of the nature provides fresh perspectives about outside beauty of the world which appeals the girl in a brief period. While we delved into the story the narrator has displayed his kindness towards her girl passenger.

The main theme of the story is kindness which is very much prevalent in the narrator’s character and beside that he is very much independent in nature who truly believes that true colours of life can only be enjoyed by dwelling in the world of four senses and relying on the fifth sense which is highly functional and that he consider to be their power of imagination.

দ্বাদশ শ্রেনি থেকে → বাংলা | ইংরাজি

Q2 – What According to the narrator, is the difference between people with good eyesight and people with no or limited eyesight?

Answer: The narrator believes that the true beauty of life cannot be envisioned only by mere eyesight as the eyesight often fails to capture the real beauty of nature at certain times. With the proper eyesight people tend to differentiate the beauty as they are spoilt for choices with abundant beauty right in front of them and often failed to see the circumstances as a whole as they can’t put up with the pressure of the fast paced life.

They are the part of the rat race whereas the blind people’s mind can only capture the essentials which are powered by other senses and sense of imagination. This is the great lesson of blindness the narrator has learnt through his own experience of life.

Q3 – ‘Then I made a mistake’ – What was the mistake? Why was it a mistake? How did the speaker rectify his mistake?

Answer: The narrator of the tale ‘The Eyes Have It’ befriended with a girl who got into the same compartment while he was on his way to Mussourie and he consciously concealed his visual problem and made a pretence to see.

In the midst of their conversation unmindfully he threw a question “What is it like outside?” which made him realize his mistake soon.

To him, it was a great mistake as he felt that it would bare his truth rather trickery in front of her.
Soon the speaker’s doubts and fears melted away when the girl asked him to look out of the window himself and the speaker moved effectively along the billet and felt for the window sill.

Q4 – You must be disappointed’ – who was the speaker? Why did he say so? Was he appropriate in judging the mind of the narrator?

Answer: The new male passenger who just boarded the narrator’s compartment at Sanaranpur station said this to the narrator.
While the girl had left the compartment as her destination has arrived, the new male passenger entered the narrator’s compartment. At that time, the narrator’s mind was lost in a reverie. His mind was submerged in the short encounter with the girl. The new male passenger understood this and he made the above remark.

The third passenger felt that the narrator was still in his trance as the girl just left the compartment and he was having a good amount of time with the beautiful girl as a company. As the good time has come to an end with the end of the train journey of the girl leaving the narrator in despair —–this made the new passenger realized that the man is yet to get over the girl’s company and he jokingly remarked the above line.

পর্ব সমাপ্ত।

এই লেখাটির সর্বস্বত্ব সংরক্ষিত। বিনা অনুমতিতে এই লেখা, অডিও, ভিডিও বা অন্যভাবে কোন মাধ্যমে প্রকাশ করলে তার বিরুদ্ধে আইনানুগ ব্যবস্থা নেওয়া হবে।

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