
Tales of Bhola Grandpa

Englishনবম শ্রেণি – Tales of Bhola Grandpa

The author of ‘Tales of Bhola Grandpa’

Manoj Das is an award-winning Indian author who writes in Odia and English. In 2000, Manoj Das was awarded with Saraswati Samman. He was awarded PadmaShri in 2001, the fourth highest Civilian Award in India for his contribution in the field of Literature & Education. Kendra Sahitya Akademi has bestowed its highest award (also India’s highest literary award) i.e. Sahitya Akademi Award Fellowship.

[আরো পড়ুন – নবম শ্রেণি – ভৌতবিজ্ঞান | নবম শ্রেণি – জীবনবিজ্ঞান | নবম শ্রেণি – গণিত ]

‘Tales of Bhola Grandpa’ in brief

The story begins with the description of the location and condition of Bhola Grandpa’s residence where he lived with his wife. They lived together peacefully with a small troop of monkeys living on the bokal tree by their cottage.

Bhola Grandpa and his wife lived at western end of our village

Bhola Grandpa’s forgetful nature is evident in the incident of losing his grandson at the time of returning from a festival. On that occasion he had gripped his grandson’s fingers tightly. But he could not feel when the fingers slipped out of his tight grip. He was so involved in other thought that he could proceed his journey with his grip which seemed to hold something. When he was reminded of the fact, he burst into lamentation with the realization that his grandson might be lost. Ultimately his grandson was found.

It was heard that once Bhola Grandpa noticed a group of pirates hiding a large box of treasures under one of the sand dunes on the seashore.

The pirates were burying a large box one of the sand dunes on the seashore by our village. [Image courtesy – Pirates of the Caribbean film]
He reported this to the narrator’s father with eagerness and they started their searching operation for the hidden treasure throughout the night. At the end Bhola Grandpa remembered and confessed candidly that what he had seen about pirates was nothing but imagination, his day dream in his midday nap.

Again, he could easily forget all about the tiger which had chased him at the time of returning from weekly market.

Suddenly at a distance of about five yards behind him, he heard the growl of a Royal Bengal Tiger.

Promptly he climbed up the banyan tree and spent the night there. Next morning when other people reminded him of the tiger he could then only remember that facts of the previous night. With the sight of the tiger he fainted in fear and ultimately returned home sharply.

[আরো পড়ুন – নবম শ্রেণি – বাংলা | নবম শ্রেণি – ইতিহাস | নবম শ্রেণি – ভূগোল]

So when Bhola Grandpa passed away, his bereaved wife, according to her concept of her husband’s forgetful nature observed that he must have forgotten to take breath at the last moment.

Some important Questions

1. Why the narrator and others halt while returning from festival?

While returning from festival Bhola Grandpa suddenly started wailing. This surprised everyone and they stopped walking.

2. Where were the sand dunes found?

The sand dunes were found on the seashore by the side of the author’s village.

3. What did Bhola Grandpa confess when it was past midnight?

When it was past midnight, Bhola Grandpa confessed that there was no real treasure as it was all a dream, which he had during his midday nap.

4. What did people generally do to safe-guard themselves from the Royal Bengal Tigers?

In order to safe-guard themselves from the Royal Bengal tigers people took care to move about only in groups particularly after sun set.

5. How could Bhola Grandpa realise the presence of the tiger even after the nightfall?

The tiger was beating its tail on the dry leaves and Bhola Grandpa heard the sound of this. In this way he was aware of the presence of the tiger even after the nightfall.

আরো পড়ো → All about a dog

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